[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: 'ejvoH

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Sep 5 08:49:53 PDT 2017

Klingon Word of the Day for Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Klingon word: 'ejvoH
Part of speech: noun
Definition: stripe
Source: qep'a' 24 [2017]

PUN: the Stars & Stripes (or the Stripes & Stars) is a palindrome phrase:  {'ejvoH Hov je}

yamtaw  	line (n) (qep'a' 2017)
tlhegh 		line, rope (n)
wev 		row (in a table or spreadsheet) (n)
war 		column (in a table or spreadsheet) (n)
tlhat  		grid (spreadsheet), lines (grid) (n)

letbaQ 		rectangle (n)
meyrI' 		square (n)

wan 		be straight (v)
wanHa' 	be crooked/bent (v)
job 		be jagged/zigzag (v)


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