[tlhIngan Hol] If there ever was a war..

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 04:25:16 PDT 2017

I'm sending this again, because the previous two attempts weren't followed
by the usual delivery report..

tlhIngan Hol Qaw'lu'meH 'op poH pIq noH taghlu' net jalchugh, vaj
che'ronDaq vIjaHmo', star trek discovery all klingon trailer SoQ vIQoy
vIneH !

If there ever was a war in order to destroy klingon, before I go to than
war, I would want to hear the speech of the star trek discovery all klingon

'ej trailervam lubopmo' mu'wIj..
and speaking of this trailer..

chaHvaD may' luqotlhbogh wInobmeH DaH maQamjaj !


On Sep 29, 2017 11:14, "mayqel qunenoS" <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> tlhIngan Hol Qaw'lu'meH 'op poH pIq noH taghlu' net jalchugh, vaj
> che'ronDaq vIjaHmo', star trek discovery all klingon trailer SoQ vIQoy
> vIneH !
> If there ever was a war in order to destroy klingon, before I go to than
> war, I would want to hear the speech of the star trek discovery all klingon
> trailer.
> 'ej trailervam lubopmo' mu'wIj..
> and speaking of this trailer..
> chaHvaD may' luqotlhbogh wInobmeH DaH maQamjaj !
> qunnoq
> On Sep 29, 2017 09:39, "mayqel qunenoS" <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
>> tlhIngan Hol Qaw'lu'meH 'op poH pIq noH taghlu' net jalchugh, vaj
>> che'ronDaq vIjaHmo', star trek discovery all klingon trailer SoQ vIQoy
>> vIneH !
>> If there ever was a war in order to destroy klingon, before I go to than
>> war, I would want to hear the speech of the star trek discovery all klingon
>> trailer.
>> 'ej trailervam lubopmo' mu'wIj..
>> and speaking of this trailer..
>> chaHvaD may' luqotlhbogh wInobmeH DaH Qamjaj !
>> qunnoq
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