[tlhIngan Hol] Hech

nIqolay Q niqolay0 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 10:25:21 PDT 2017

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 1:12 PM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> The verb {Hech} is given as "intend, mean to".
> However I wonder.. does it always have to have the meaning "mean to" ?
> For example, can we say:
> {{juH} vIHechbe'; {jul} vIHech}
> I didn't mean {juH}, I meant {jul}

Makes sense to me. At worst, I'd probably interpret it as a short or
clipped version of something like *<juH> vIghItlh 'e' vIHechbe'. <jul>
vIghItlh 'e' vIHech.* *"I didn't mean to write 'juH', I meant to write
'jul'." *(Or replace *vIghItlh* with *jIjatlh* for spoken Klingon.) My
guess is that most uses of *Hech* will have an *'e'*, but I don't see why
it couldn't work with a noun object now and then.
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