[tlhIngan Hol] Are arabic numerals canon ?

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Sep 27 13:07:50 PDT 2017

On 9/27/2017 3:52 PM, Lieven wrote:
> Do you remember the show/episode when humans found a planet, and 
> called it "Earth Two"?

You're thinking of the episode "Miri," and the only thing anyone ever 
calls it is "another Earth." Maybe they called it "Earth Two" in the 
German dub, but not in English. Novels and fan literature I've seen 
usually call it "Miri's Planet" and "the Planet of the Onlies."

According to Memory Alpha, the final draft script calls it "Earth Two," 
but it is never named on screen.

Obviously, the original inhabitants would have called it "Earth."


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