[tlhIngan Hol] Is this correct ?

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 07:47:51 PDT 2017

De'vID, be''etlh, and voragh thank you for replying.

> I can't recall any rule that says you can't have {'e'} as the object of a verb with {-bogh}, but it's ugly.

I agree. The original sentence {jeSlaH ghoj neHbogh nuvpu'} seemed
weird to me too, with my original confusion being whether the {nuvpu'}
could be the subject of the {jeSlaH}, since it was so far away from

> bIghoj bIneHchugh, bIjeSlaH

Indeed, this is a much better way to convey the intended meaning. Thanks.

> You’re both forgetting the rarely-used Type 2 suffix {-qang} “is willing to”

I forgot this too.. Strangely, there are some suffixes which I almost
always forget, however as soon as someone reminds them to me, I
realise how they could solve the problem.


On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 5:36 PM, Steven Boozer <sboozer at uchicago.edu> wrote:
> You’re both forgetting the rarely-used Type 2 suffix {-qang} “is willing
> to”.  E.g.:
>   qaja'qang
>   I am willing to tell you  (TKD)
>   QaHqang
>   He/she is willing to help.  (KGT)
>   Heghqang
>   he/she is willing to die  (TKD)
>   HeghqangmoHlu'pu'
>   It made him willing to die.  (TKD)
>   vaSvamDaq tuq veng je quvvaD Heghqangbogh SuvwI’ tu’be’lu’’a’
>   Is there nobody in this hall prepared to die for the honor of your tribe
> and city? (PB)
> So how about:
>   jeSlaH ghojqangbogh nuvpu'
>   those willing to learn can participate
>   (“the people who are willing to learn are able to participate”)
> --Voragh
> From: Elizabeth Faber
> I think you are trying to translate the English too directly.  How about:
> jeSlaH ghojwI'pu'
> learners can participate
> That's the cleanest translation I can come up with, and while its not exact
> it would serve most purposes.  If you really want to make it conditional on
> volition, it would be at least somewhat less awkward with -chugh
> ghoj neHchugh jeSlaH
> If (he/one) wants to learn, (he/one) can participate
> I like the phrasing better in second person
> Daghoj bIneHchugh, bIjeSlaH
> or
> bIghoj bIneHchugh, bIjeSlaH
> I think these last two convey your sentiment the most exactly without
> sounding terribly awkward in Klingon
> -be''etlh
> On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 11:54 AM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is the following sentence correct ?
> {jeSlaH ghoj neHbogh nuvpu'}
> the people who want to learn are able to participate
> mayqel
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