[tlhIngan Hol] Nouns in apposition

Anthony Appleyard a.appleyard at btinternet.com
Thu Sep 21 00:55:37 PDT 2017

If in speech there is a special tone to show when {X Y} means "Y which is X" and not "Y of X", it may (ask Okrand) be an idea to put a mark between the words to show this in writing, as in the book name "paq'batlh".

----Original message----
>From : sustel at trimboli.name

On 9/20/2017 11:48 AM, Anthony Appleyard wrote:
> Basically, if X and Y are nouns, when does "X Y" mean "X's Y", "Y of 
> X", and when it is an apposition? In the old days I used to write "X 
> 'oHbogh Y" for "X which is Y".
> How would I translate "Maltz's captain" and "Captain Maltz" 
> distinctively? It seems that {matlh HoD} could mean both.

Context, tone of voice, waggling of eyebrows. There is no way to tell 
them apart strictly through their grammar.

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