[tlhIngan Hol] Spoils of war

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Sep 14 09:13:47 PDT 2017

On 9/14/2017 12:02 PM, SuStel wrote:
> If I happen to think of something, I'll post it.

Ah, here's one. /Deep Space Nine,/ "Apocalypse Rising." Sisko, Odo, 
O'Brien, and Worf have been disguised as made-up Klingons and are 
hanging around a top-security base for a ceremony, hoping to expose 
Gowron as a changeling with some gizmos. At one point Odo drops his 
gizmo on the floor. Another Klingon picks it up and demands to know what 
it is. Worf steps in and says Odo is his brother, and the gizmo is a 
"tinkabot" [or whatever], a Vulcan toy for children. Odo says, and I 
quote, "The spoils of war from the raid on Arcanus." The Klingon seems 
to accept this.

If Klingons did not raid and despoil, this excuse would never have been 


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