[tlhIngan Hol] Spoils of war

qurgh lungqIj qurgh at wizage.net
Thu Sep 14 08:01:14 PDT 2017

Remember that Klingons conquer. They take control of planets once they
defeat the current owners of it. They then use the resources on that planet
to build more ships etc. They don't care about taking the stuff that
belongs to the locals.

If the Greeks had colonized Troy, then they wouldn't have taken any "spoils
of war" since they would have had to keep it there to get their new colony

Steal is exactly the right word. They took the property of other people.
"Spoils" is just a nice way to say it without it sounding like they
committed a crime.


On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 10:51 AM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't know if the word "stolen" conveys the meaning adequately.
> To give an example.. When the Greeks defeated the troyans, the items which
> were brought back from troy were the "spoils of that war".
> Yes, there are numerous ways to describe such a concept, but we shouldn't
> be in need for such workarounds.
> I can't imagine a warrior culture, which doesn't have a specific word, for
> the items gained/earned during/after a successful war.
> qunnoq
> On Sep 14, 2017 5:44 PM, "Lieven" <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:
>> Am 14.09.2017 um 16:41 schrieb mayqel qunenoS:
>>> A word to express the notion of "spoils of war".
>> I probably was not clear enough: I do not know what "spoils of war". My
>> online google search tells me that's things stolen during war.
>> So depending on the phrase, I would go with a combination of {Doch},
>> {nIH} or {tlhap} and {-bogh}.
>> --
>> Lieven L. Litaer
>> aka Quvar valer 'utlh
>> Grammarian of the KLI
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