[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Qagh

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Sep 20 08:25:20 PDT 2017

Klingon word: Qagh
Part of speech: verb
Definition: to make a mistake

 Qagh yaS wa'DIch 
The first officer errs. KGT

I have made a mistake. KGT

Note the homophonous noun {Qagh} "error,  mistake".

muj 		be wrong (v)
Duy' 		be defective (v)
ngeb  		be counterfeit,  be false,  be fake (v)
nep		lie (v)

lugh		be right,  be correct (v)
qar		be accurate (v)
teH 		be true (v)
vIt  		tell the truth (v)


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