[tlhIngan Hol] One more day

nIqolay Q niqolay0 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 10 09:00:36 PDT 2017

On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 11:20 AM, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:
> If someone were to write *Duj Do'a' Do DoHom vIjuv* for *I measure the
> ship's deceleration,* would I balk? No. I might even use it myself. Do I
> know for sure that it's right? No, but it *feels* right, it doesn't
> violate any rules, and it is unmistakable.
It feels right to me too. Mostly, I just wanted to express to mayqel that
it was an unusual phrase that we didn't know the specific details of, and
that there really wasn't a whole lot we knew for sure about the internal
logic of the construction as it relates to other noun constructions.

Just out of curiosity, what kinds of "noun series" modelled along
variations of *beyHom bey bey'a'* would also feel right or wrong to you
(and other Klingonists reading this)?

   - Using a *-Hom/-0/-'a'* series in a non-direct-object role, e.g.: *Qe'
   chu' luSuchtaH ghomHom ghom ghom'a'* *"Bigger and bigger crowds visited
   the new restaurant; the new restaurant drew ever-increasing crowds."*
   - Using a different set of suffixes that suggest some other kind of
   spectrum, e.g.: *qa'qoq qa'Hey qa' qa'na' vIleghtaH* *"I was dismissive
   of the idea at first but I am increasingly certain that I'm seeing an
   actual spirit."* (This is an awkward translation.)
   - Not using the same base noun but with a series implied anyway,
e.g.: *jajlo'
   po pov tlhom puH DujDaj tI'taH **"He worked on his car from dawn to
   dusk." *(This example also uses a non-direct-object series, in this case
   a series of timestamps.)
   - Nouns that only imply a series in context: *'awje' qa'vIn wornagh
   DItlhutlhtaH* *"We started with 'root beer', then had coffee, and then
   we drank warnog."*
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