[tlhIngan Hol] pronouns and {-chuq}

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Oct 25 12:06:53 PDT 2017

The suffixes -'egh (reflexive) and -chuq (reciprocal) are used with transitive verbs -- verbs which take an object -- in effect acting as the object:  -'egh self and -chuq each other, one another.

Okrand on -'egh: (TKD p.35):

    This suffix is used to indicate that the action described by the verb affects
    the performer of the action, the subject. It is translated by English self.
    When this suffix is used, the prefix set indicating 'no object' must also be
    used: jIqIp'egh I hit myself, bIqIp'egh you hit yourself, qIp'egh he/she hits
    himself/herself. It is also possible to use this suffix with imperative verbs.
    As with non-imperatives, the prefix indicating "no object" must be used:
    yIja''egh tell yourself! peja''egh tell yourselves!"

Okrand on -chuq: (TKD p.36):

    This suffix is used only with plural subjects. It is translated each other or
    one another. The prefix set indicating "no object" is also used when this
    suffix is used: maqIpchuq we hit each other, SuqIpchuq you (plural) hit
    each other, qIpchuq they hit each other, peqIpchuq hit each other!


From: David Holt

jatlh mayqel qunenoS:
> If I use it only as a verb can I write {tlhIHchuq SunovchoH} ?

No.  I can't imagine what a type 1 verb suffix on a pronoun as "to be" might mean.  "You are each other"?  Even if so, how would it relate to the second sentence?  "You are each other you begin to be foreigners."  Why not, {SuSovchuqchoH}?
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