[tlhIngan Hol] Meta: Discussions about new words found in Netflix' Klingon subtitles for Star Trek: Discovery

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Oct 25 07:40:36 PDT 2017

On 10/25/2017 9:58 AM, Felix Malmenbeck wrote:
> == loy' ==
> (verb) Used to translate "have a personality", though it's a bit 
> unclear what that means, exactly. Perhaps it refers to some notion of 
> unicity or individuality, or being interesting?
> {loy'wI'} *might* mean "personality".
> When Tilly says that she more than makes up for her athletic 
> shortcomings with her intelligence and personality, the subtitles end 
> in {jIval 'ej jIloy'.}
> BURNHAM: "Personality doens't matter."
> {potlhbe' loy'wI'.}
> TILLY: "That's just something people with no personality say."
> {roD 'oH jatlh loy'be'bogh nuv.}
> TILLY: "Wait ... Which in no way means you! You absolutely have a 
> personality!"
> {yIloS... SoH qaqelbe'bej. bIloy'qu' SoH.}

This may mean the same thing as the idiom *vaj Duj chIj*/have strength 
of character./

> == weS ==
> (verb) Used when describing the loss of a ship. However, it's 
> unclear who the subject is: If it's the one losing the ship, or the 
> one taking it away or destroying it. Seems more likely to be the 
> former, but it's uncertain.
> Used in Ep. 6 ("Lethe"):
> "Starfleet can't afford to lose the Discovery."
> {DISqa'vI'rIy weS 'e' SIQlaHbe' 'ejyo'.}
English /lose/ means so many things, it's no wonder Klingons have 
different words for it. In this case, *weS* might be said to mean /be 
deprived of./


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