[tlhIngan Hol] replying with {'oH}

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Oct 23 10:04:15 PDT 2017

On 10/23/2017 12:49 PM, Felix Malmenbeck wrote:
> Now, on the other hand, if the question is:
> {nagh 'oH'a' Dochvam'e'?}
> then answering with {'oH.} or {'oHbe'.} makes perfect sense.
I wouldn't say that either. *'oH* does not mean /be/ or /is./ It just 
means /it./ We use it to translate English "to be" sentences, but 
there's still no /be/ in there. */Tarzan/ jIH; /Jane/ SoH*/Me Tarzan; 
you Jane./

We add verb suffixes to the pronoun because copula relationships can be 
continuous or negated or queried and so on, but it's still a pronoun, 
not a verb.

And if you strip away the linking of the pronoun with some noun, you 
have no copula left. Saying *'oH* is not saying /it is (something 
general or unspecified);/ it is only saying /it./

If you must give a full answer to *nagh 'oH'a' Dochvam'e', *it would be 
*nagh 'oH.* It can't get any smaller.


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