[tlhIngan Hol] Translation help
nIqolay Q
niqolay0 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 08:04:26 PDT 2017
On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 9:51 AM, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:
> Also, *QaD* normally means *be dry;* the meaning of *be safe* is slang.
> The style of *The Art of War* is invariably made out to be formal and
> dignified, a style not conducive to using slang.
> For non-slang alternatives, consider words like *QobHa'ghach* and
> *Qanlu'.*
In Joseph's defense, he's not the first to make that mistake. Okrand
himself slips up a few times in paq'batlh and uses *QaD* in this sense.
> You've made a good start. I strongly recommend trying to express yourself
> in Klingon before translating the words of others.
Sometimes it can be hard to think of what you want to write, and so
translating something you like is easier than coming up with something
creative on your own. A lot of my earliest translations were lines from TV
and movies, and my Klingon skills turned out... well, I think I mostly do
okay. But yes, something formal with longer sentences like Sun Tzu is
probably a bit much to start with.
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