[tlhIngan Hol] Meta: Discussions about new words found in Netflix' Klingon subtitles for Star Trek: Discovery

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 09:13:18 PDT 2017

On 9 October 2017 at 16:08, Felix Malmenbeck <felixm at kth.se> wrote:

> As Lieven has mentioned previously on this mailing list, the Klingon
> subtitles for Star Trek: Discovery include a few new words from Maltz.
> These will be revealed in full at the qepHom'a' in mid-November. Until
> then, the only way to learn these words is to watch the show and compare
> the subtitles to the dialogue. Sometimes the meanings are quite clear, and
> at other times they require some guesswork.
> [...]
> Since there seems to be a consensus that we should wait for 48 ours after
> the US release before sharing plot details, should we have a similar
> guideline for words found in the subtitles?
> Or should we perhaps aim to share the relevant subtitles and corresponding
> English sentences as quickly as possible (with spoiler warnings for the
> relevant episode), so that everybody can join in the analysis/speculation
> as early on as possible?
Even though I have access to the Klingon subtitles, I've not read through
them (except for the Klingon parts of the first two episodes) as I have no
time. However, I've already seen "leaks" of new words on social media
(Facebook, Twitter), so by all means post them here. If I'm going to know
that a word exists, I might as well know how it was used or what it means.

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