[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: mIn yuqwI'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Oct 12 08:12:33 PDT 2017

Klingon word: mIn yuqwI'

Part of speech: noun

Definition: stage magician

Source: November 2016 email to Lieven


(Lieven < MO, 11/2016) :  The most common way to refer to a magician, like Kalibo, is mIn yuqwI' (yuq is outwit, outsmart)... Another expression for magician is 'IDnar lIlwI' ... perform magic (as Kalibo does) is mIn yuq or 'IDnar lIl.

(Lieven < MO, 11/2016):  To conjure or to cast a spell, which is what wizards do, is reS. So a wizard or sorcerer can also be called a reSwI'. A spell, in this sense, is tlheH. One can say either tlheH reS or just reS alone for he/she casts a spell. Maltz wasn't sure if there is anything besides tlheH that can be the object of reS, since Maltz isn't a 'IDnar pIn'a', but maybe there is.

'IDnar          magic, wizardry (n)

'IDnar lIlwI'   magician (n)

'IDnar pIn'a'  wizard, sorcerer (n)

lIl             simulate, impersonate (v)

reS             conjure, cast a spell (v)

yuq             outwit, outsmart (v)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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