[tlhIngan Hol] law' puS construction with law'

nIqolay Q niqolay0 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 08:13:57 PDT 2017

On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 10:48 AM, Lieven <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:

> If you like to avoid the strange {law' law'}, you might want to consider
> the recently disscovered verb {vItlh}. It was used in a phrase in DSC:
> {Heghmey DISIQpu'. 'a DIvI' Hegh vItlh law' Heghmaj vItlh puS.}
> "We have suffered losses but the Federation has suffered far more."

What's interesting to me is that one of the first canon sentences for
{vItlh} (from the Smithsonian Air and Space tour app) was a law'-puS
construction: {DoDaj vItlh law' wab Do vItlh puS.} I wonder if it was
coined specifically to avoid using {law'} twice in a row. (Even if that's
true, I don't see why {law' law'} would itself be ungrammatical; maybe it
just didn't fit Okrand's aesthetic sensibilities at the time.)
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