[tlhIngan Hol] DSC Klingon Trailer transcription (NOT offlist)

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Oct 4 12:32:24 PDT 2017

On 10/4/2017 3:03 PM, Lieven wrote:
> Am 04.10.2017 um 20:54 schrieb SuStel:
>> If we cannot solve this ourselves without input from Maltz, then how 
>> do you justify using it in the transcript and calling it correct? 
> Just as much as you justify it is NOT correct.

I justify it on the basis of how people communicate. If you have three 
Men and a Baby, and you say Man One and Man Two changed the Baby, there 
is a very strong implication that Man Three did not change the Baby. If 
Man Three does change the Baby too but in some special way that requires 
special explanation that won't fit here, you say, at the very least, 
"Man Three changed the Baby too, but this requires explanation elsewhere."

And EVEN if we agreed that the prefix trick is not explicitly barred 
from using third-person object prefixes, you STILL don't know (a) 
whether they're allowed at all, and (b) under what special circumstances 
they're allowed, if they're allowed. If they're allowed at all, there 
HAVE to be special circumstances, some special explanation that makes 
them stand apart from the first- and second-person prefixes, and you 
have no idea what that explanation might be. How do you apply the prefix 
trick using special rules if you don't know what those rules are?

Finally, if third-person prefix trick is a thing, where are all the 
examples that should naturally have popped up over the years? We have 
tons of first- and second-person examples; why no third-person examples? 
Sure, lack of evidence of a thing is not evidence of a lack of a thing, 
but adding "suspicious" to everything above is perfectly reasonable.


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