[tlhIngan Hol] Thinking in klingon

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Oct 10 03:58:00 PDT 2017

loQ, tlhIngan Hol vIghItlhlaH; pIj jIQagh, 'a loQ jIghItlhlaH 'ej qaStaHvIS
poH jIDubtaH. QIt jIDub 'a jIDubtaH.

jIHvaD qay' latlh ghu'; tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaHbe'. vaj, qen, jIQub:
ghu'vam vIjunnIS, 'a chay' jIvangnIS ?

vaj, QoghIjwIjDaq nargh qech.. Hoch jaj, jIQubtaHvIS tlhIngan Hol vIlo'.
'ej SIbI' qechvam vIqaSmoH..

bI'reS, jIQublaHbe'.. QoghIjwIjDaq meSlu'law'. 'a jIbupQo'.

'ej Do', tugh jIQubchoHlaH. wa'DIch mu' puS neH vIQublaH, 'a tugh,
mu'tlhegh puS vIQublaH je.

Do' jIDub, 'ej Do' tugh tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaH. Qatlhqu' mIwvam, 'a tagha'
jIQap. bej.

Slightly I'm able to write klingon, although I often make mistakes. But my
problem has always been that I'm unable to speak it.

So, in order to overcome this problem, I came up with the idea to think in

Initially, it was as if someone had tied a knot in my mind, and I couldn't
think of a single word. But as time went by, I was able to think a few
sentences, and now I'm steadily improving.

Although the procedure is difficult, I'm certain that finally, I'll be able
to speak normally klingon.

And I believe this deserves a..

Qapla' !

mayqel qun'noS
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