[tlhIngan Hol] Sweat

nIqolay Q niqolay0 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 14:25:26 PDT 2017

On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've thought of {tInchoH}, but I feel there's something missing, with
> regards to its ability to describe "to swell".
> For instance, if I want to say "a bug stung me and my hand swell", and I
> write {muchop ghew 'ej tInchoH ghopwIj}, I get the impression that there is
> "something missing".
> On the other hand, if I want to say "I saw lurSa' and tInchoH ngaghmeH
> nebwIj", then indeed the {tInchoH} is good. The {neb} being used
> metaphorically of course.
> So, I feel that the {tInchoH} lacks something, when we need to describe
> "to swell", as a result of a pathological process..
> Perhaps I'm wrong though.. I don't know..

You're right that "become big" doesn't necessarily have the same medical or
physical connotations as "swell", but it would still get the meaning across
in the right context, like a bug bite. Until we get a more specific word
with more specific medical connotations, you'll have to make do with
alternate phrasings. If you don't think *tInchoH* quite works, you could
try being specific about why your hand is getting bigger:

   - *ghopwIj tInchoHmoH 'Iw* "blood makes my hand get big" (replacing *'Iw*
   with *bIQ* "water" or *betgham* "liquid" or whatever is causing the
   swelling, when necessary.)
   - *ghopwIj SachmoH 'Iw* "blood makes my hand expand"
   - *'Iw 'Iq ngaS ghojwIj* "my hand contains too much blood"

Or you could try including other symptoms:

   - *tInchoH ghopwIj 'ej Doqqu'choH* "my hand gets big and red"
   - *tInchoH ghopwIj 'ej 'oy'choH* "my hand gets big and sore"

As for "sweat", maybe something like: *(jItujmo') (jItujHa'choHmeH) bIQ
lIng DIrwIj* "(because I'm hot), my skin produces water (so I can cool
off)", including or leaving out the stuff in parentheses if you want to be
more or less wordy. Other verbs might work instead of *lIng*. For instance,
since sweat is something secreted from the body (and it contains a little
bit of waste products like urea), maybe you could use the "excretion verbs"
used with going to the bathroom: *ghIm* "exile" or *vuj *"expel, eject". *bIQ
ghIm DIrwIj* "my skin is exiling water".
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