[tlhIngan Hol] The law of this list

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Oct 5 10:10:28 PDT 2017

..vaj no'ma'Daq nargh qeylIS
..so to our ancestors kahless appeared

'ej chaH tlhopDaq QamtaHvIS, ghaH wov law' jul wov puS !
and while he stood, he was brighter than the sun !

ghIq, jatlh 'ej tuD ghoghDaj:
then he said, with a thunderous voice:

naDev, tlhIngan Hol lubopchugh mu'rajchugh, vaj DIvI' Hol lulo'laH..
here, if you talk about klingon then you are able to use english..

'a tlhIngan Hol lubopbe'chugh mu'raj, vaj tlhIngan Hol neH yIlo' !
but if you don't talk about klingon, then only klingon you will use !

ghIq, DaqDajvo' ngab.
and then he disappeared.

wanI'meyvammo', QIn tetlhvam chut wIHev..
so, as a result of these events, the law of this list came to be..

mayqel q
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