[tlhIngan Hol] DSC Klingon Trailer transcription (NOT offlist)

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Oct 5 02:05:24 PDT 2017

Before I start let me clarify that I mean no disrespect to anyone..

..but reading this thread there is something which irritates me.

We're concerning ourselves, with regards to the {wInobmeH} vs {DInobmeH}.
However it is known that 'oqranD wasn't the one who wrote it.

So, why may I ask do we need to take it so seriously into account ?

If this sentence was written here by a beginner, then he would be corrected
on the spot, and we would all move on.

If this sentence was written here by a grammarian, perhaps noone would say
anything, but again we would move on, without trying to concoct new
theories with regards to its new application of the prefix trick.

So, why bother ourselves with a sentence which's only significance, is the
fact that it appears in a movie, but other than that 'oqranD wasn't the
author ?

..and something else

..with no intention to disrespect anyone

I read that perhaps 'oqranD will canonize this ungrammatical sentence,
because it appears in the movie..

So, what is actually happening here is:

Someone who perhaps knows 'oqranD personally, writes a wrong sentence. And
'oqranD, out of kindness, because he doesn't want to say "you're wrong", to
someone who people consider an expert, canonizes something which
contradicts the things which we already know.

So, I, the fool who tries to learn the language, have to learn the mistake
someone else made, and like it.

In my humble opinion, this is not respectful to the people who try to learn
the language, people who without them, klingon would be nothing.

If indeed "we succeed together in a greater whole", that "whole" has to be
respected, and not having the mistakes of others being forced upon it.

People who have taken time out of their lives in order to learn the
language deserve better.

mayqel q

On Oct 5, 2017 09:46, "Lieven" <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:

> Am 05.10.2017 um 08:20 schrieb De'vID:
>> Let me also point out that Marc Okrand liked the tweet, whatever that's
>> worth.
> Yes, could be anything. Because he likes a tweet does not meant that he
> agrees to what it says. He could also be sitting in his chair, grinning and
> think like "hehe - they're all so wrong, I like that." :-D
> --
> Lieven L. Litaer
> aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"
> http://www.klingonisch.net
> http://www.klingonwiki.net/En/Maltz
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