[tlhIngan Hol] poS and nIH

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Oct 2 06:40:03 PDT 2017

(Lieven, 11/16/2014 < qepHom 2014):   And a [computer] mouse is a 'eQway' (not to be confused, Maltz was quick to point out, with 'eQway belly button). He said that a 'eQway' does not have a 'eQway, but that it could have a leQ "button" (but more generally "switch") and it usually has two (a poS leQ and a nIH leQ, "left button" and "right button" respectively).


From: SuStel

poS leQ. poS is a noun, so this is a noun-noun construction: left-side switch. As always, the second noun is the head noun, and the first noun narrows down its type.

From: mayqel qunenoS<mailto:mihkoun at gmail.com>

If I want to say "left button", do I say {poS leQ}, or {leQ poS} ?


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