[tlhIngan Hol] qaghwI' vs. qaghwI’

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 11:55:54 PDT 2017

In my opinion, the whole subject is ridiculous and that's an understatement.

What does it matter if the qaghwI' is a straight line or a flying comma.

Unless the reason is what helps someone to use, in order to search through
a database.

Other than that, I can't understand why it matters.

It is as ridiculous as saying that we have to use the same font which was
used in tkd, or kgt, or whatever.

The next level of this discussion will be, while writing klingon, to use
paper of the same chemical composition as the paper on which the tkd was

~ nIghma'

On Oct 26, 2017 9:48 PM, "Michael Roney, Jr." <nahqun at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm just going to be difficult and suggest we all use ʻ (the ʻokina).
> ~ʻanan naHQun
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