[tlhIngan Hol] qepHom grammar questions

qurgh lungqIj qurgh at wizage.net
Wed Oct 4 11:33:47 PDT 2017

On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 2:21 PM, Lawrence M. Schoen <klingonguy at gmail.com>

> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 12:33 PM, qurgh lungqIj <qurgh at wizage.net> wrote:
>> To me {wejDIch} isn't a thing that can be owned by someone, it's simply a
>> way to count things in a list. Putting a possessive on it just seems
>> strange to my mind.
> Imagine a situation in which a Romulan challenges me to a duel. It's an
> honor thing, so naturally, I accept, but I hold the Romulan in such
> contempt that instead of asking someone like you to serve as my second, I
> instead assign that role to my pet mugato. Would I not describe the mugato
> as *cha'DIchwIj*?

A {cha'DIch} in that context is a special title for a specific role though,
it's not just counting something.

I'm just saying that in the context of the OP, where the question seemed to
be about counting things owned (my third ship), the {-wIj} would go on the
thing that is being counted, and not the counter.

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