[tlhIngan Hol] The Scimitar
mayqel qunenoS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Sun Oct 29 12:59:38 PDT 2017
Duj law' 'agh Hov leng, 'ej pIj jISIv;
Hov leng Dujmey'e', nuq 'IH law' Hoch 'IH puS ? Hov leng Dujmey'e', tlhoy
'IH nuq ?
chaq, qaStaHvIS pa'logh, naDev wa'logh mattervam lubop mu'wIj, 'ej ngugh
jIghItlh; romuluS valdore 'IH law' Hoch 'IH puS.
maj; 'ej jajvam rap vuDwIj; 'a vIra'lu'chugh:
Hov leng Duj DamaSbogh yIngu', ghIq jIjang: praetor shinzon's scimitar.
DaH, HIyajHa'Qo'; scimitar 'IH law' Hoch 'IH puS, jIjatlhbe'.
..'a scimitar vImaSbej. qatlh ? chaq 'IHqu'be' scimitar, 'a Hurgh, 'ej
shinzon's qa' DI'onmey chIwchu'.
jatlhta' shinzon: pa', rIymuSDaq, waw' peghDaq scimitar vIchenmoHta'.
'ej shinzon yIn Sovlu'chugh, vaj wa' Doch pIH: Duj chenmoHtaHvIS shinzon,
Duj Hurgh, Duj mIgh chenqangmoH.
'ej Dujvetlh chenmoHbejta'.. meqvammo', scimitar vImaSbej.
'enterpray' yInga'.. nIv scimitar.
~ nIghma'
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