[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: noD

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Nov 27 06:56:10 PST 2017

Klingon word: noD
Part of speech: verb
Definition: retaliate

batlh Heghlu'chugh noDnISbe' vay' 
An honorable death requires no vengeance. TKW

cheQIHchugh manoDbe''a' 
Wrong us, shall we not seek revenge? TKW

nurraj nIHlu'ta'mo' manoD 
We will avenge your stolen pride (PB draft?)

le'yo'raj nIHlu'ta'mo' penoD jatlh qeylIS 
And Kahless spoke to them... about avenging their stolen pride PB

qeHHa' 	forgive (v)
vup 		pity (v)

bortaS 		revenge, vengeance (n)
pung 		mercy (n)

"Let bloody vengeance take its final course! And see what difference it makes to this universe of yours." (Anton Karidian [Kodos the Executioner] to Kirk, TOS "The Conscience of the King")

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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