[tlhIngan Hol] new words: stations and commands

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 12:32:47 PST 2017

On 20 November 2017 at 15:17, Lieven <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> Here comes some more clarifications for the words used in Klingon
> subtitles on Netflix:
> ----
> For the archive: this is printed in qepHom 2017, page 15.
> ----
> LLL: The "Klingon High Command" is called {ra'ghomquv}, and their
> "Operations Command" is called {yo'SeH yaHnIv}. What would be the Starfleet
> versions of these?
> MO: For "Starfleet Command," another alternative

Was there an earlier part of the message which was cut off? What is this
"another alternative" to?

> is {'ejyo' ra'ghomquv}, using {ra'ghomquv}, the word for "High Command."
> If Starfleet Command is of a lower level of importance than Starfleet High
> Command, leave off the {quv}, getting {ra'ghom}. But if Starfleet Command
> is the highest level (but, unlike the Klingons, just doesn't use the word
> "High" in its name), keep the {quv}. If "Starfleet Command" is more like
> "Starfleet Operations Command", then go with {'ejyo'SeH yaHnIv}.

It sounds like Okrand (or Maltz) isn't really clear on the United
Federation of Planet's organisational structure. Can someone who is
knowledgeable about this clarify if Starfleet Command is a {ra'ghomquv} or
merely a {ra'ghom}, or if it's a {'ejyo'SeH yaHnIv}?

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