[tlhIngan Hol] Discovery subtitles words

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 09:47:41 PST 2017

On 20 November 2017 at 17:55, nIqolay Q <niqolay0 at gmail.com> wrote:

> An "odd number" is {mI' mob}
>> An "even number" is {mI' mobHa'}
> {mob} also means "alone". It seems the metaphor here is that an odd number
> can't be divided into two evenly, and so it stays in one piece by itself.

I feel an opportunity was missed here to explain that Klingons don't have
even/odd, they have "divisible by 3", "has a remainder of 1 when divided by
3", and "has a remainder of 2 when divided by 3". That would actually be in
line with how Klingon mathematics is explained in TKD, how their display
grids are shown to work visually in the shows and movies, and how the
cardinal directions have been explained to us.

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