[tlhIngan Hol] new words: have personality

Lieven levinius at gmx.de
Wed Nov 22 09:29:54 PST 2017

>> I wonder if things can have *DI'onmey* too, or if it only applies to 
>> people.

> I would think that they can, because this word was discovered during the 
> Pittsburgh Art tour - as far as I know. I'm not sure. Andrew Miller 
> should be able to answer that, or say how he used it, if he did.

I just asked, here's his answer with the phrase:

original line:
"The plaza is a central feature of the Cultural District."

{meHghem yoS botlh DI’on ’oH ghommeH yotlhvam’e’}
This plaza is a feature of the centre of the Cultural District.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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