[tlhIngan Hol] This day

Anthony Appleyard a.appleyard at btinternet.com
Wed May 24 21:45:06 PDT 2017

translating "maqIHbogh jaj":-
maqIHbogh may mean:-
- PP:we/- V:meet_for_first_time VS9:which_rel
jaj may mean:-
- N:day_from_dawn_to_dawn
"The day of us who meet for the first time".
Sounds reasonable.
translating "jIHtaHbogh naDev vISovbe'":-
jIHtaHbogh may mean:-
- V:monitor* VS7:continuous VS9:which_rel
- P:[I|me] VS7:continuous VS9:which_rel
- P:[I|me] V:[continue*|go_on*|endure*|survive=|be_at_negative_angle] VS9:which_rel
naDev may mean:-
- N:[here|hereabouts]
vISovbe' may mean:-
- PP:I/[him|it|them] V:know VSR:not
literally one of
"Here I do not know myself who endures"
"I do not know myself who continue to be here"
 :: an "at" or similar is missing, and I can hear "the ship in which I fled" starting its motor again.
translating "DaH  naDev  jIHtaHbogh meq Saja'":-
DaH may mean:-
- N:[array|bank]
- A:now
naDev may mean:-
- N:[here|hereabouts]
jIHtaHbogh may mean:-
- V:monitor* VS7:continuous VS9:which_rel
- P:[I|me] VS7:continuous VS9:which_rel
- P:[I|me] V:[continue*|go_on*|endure*|survive=|be_at_negative_angle] VS9:which_rel
meq may mean:-
- V:reason
- N:[motive=|reason]
Saja' may mean:-
- PP:I/you_pl V:[tell|report]
"I report the reason of me who now am here."
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