[tlhIngan Hol] Star Trek: Discovery

Lieven levinius at gmx.de
Wed May 17 23:56:30 PDT 2017

Am 18.05.2017 um 07:54 schrieb DloraH:
> The new series coming later this year...
> Does anybody here know if CBS attempted to make contact with either the
> KLI or Okrand in the hopes of at least attempting to use tlhIngan Hol,
> or is the new series going to continue with the traditional "Par Hol"?

In such questions, Okrand usually answers with "I can't talk about it", 
but the last time I asked him, he just gave me a very convincing "No."

Lieven L. Litaer
aka Quvar valer 'utlh
Grammarian of the KLI

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