[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: mutlh

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri May 26 08:14:48 PDT 2017

> Klingon Word of the Day for Friday, May 26, 2017
> Klingon word: mutlh
> Part of speech: verb
> Definition: manufacture, construct, put together
> Source: qepHom 2016

(MO to Lieven, 1/09/2012):  Words for bricklayer, roof maker, plumber, and so on are all based on the verb {mutlh}, meaning "construct, assemble, put together". Someone who does this, then, is a {mutlhwI'} [...] The idea is that a {mutlhwI'} puts things together. So a {ngogh mutlhwI'} is not (necessarily) someone who makes bricks, but someone who takes bricks that are already made and assembles them into something (such as a building). Similarly, a {beb mutlhwI'} doesn't make the roof, but, rather, lays out the shingles or planks or stones or whatever the roof is made out of [...] If you did say {tlhIm mutlh} ("he/she assembled a carpet"), that would mean there were pieces of fabric (or squares of carpet?) that got put together (sewn together?) to make a carpet or rug. [...] 
   Someone who repairs any of these things (who may or may not be the same person who installed/assembled them) is a {tI'wI'} ({tI'} "repair"). Most {mutlhwI'pu'} are also {tI'wI'pu'} - but you'd be advised to check with them first.

Known types of {mutlhwI'pu'}:

beb mutlhwI' 		roofer
majyang mutlhwI' 	tiler
ngogh mutlhwI' 		bricklayer
'och mutlhwI' 		plumber
'ul pat mutlhwI' 	electrician

jom 		install (a device), equip (v)
chenmoH 	build, form, make, create (v)

'ogh 		invent, devise, design (v)
ren 		design, map out, plan (v)

jonwI' 	engineer (n)
chamwI' 	technician (n)
tI'wI' 	repairman (n)

tlhIngan ghantoH pIn'a'
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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