[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: rap

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed May 24 06:56:24 PDT 2017

Voragh wrote:
>> pIm 	be the same (v)
Darn editor!  That should of course be:

rap 		be the same (v)
pIm 		be different (v)

> muj mu'tlheghvam. {to be the same} 'oH {rap}'e'. {rap} ghol 'oH {pIm}'e'.
> (Do we have a word for "opposite" yet? I don't think it's in my TKD)

AFAIK no, though I like your figurative use of {ghol} "opponent, adversary".  Tor the quality perhaps {pImqu'} "be very different" or even *{nIbHa'} "be un-identical".  


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