[tlhIngan Hol] mu' chu' chabal tetlh!

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Mar 31 07:17:53 PDT 2017

Felix Malmenbeck:
> - allergy/intolerance/hypersensitivity
> With so many new plant words recently, including one for "pollen", I
> figure the time is ripe to start complaining about them!

  loQ 'oy'DI' SuvwI' bepbe' 
  A warrior does not complain about physical discomfort. TKW

  ghIlab ghewmey tIbuSQo' 
  Pay no heed to glob flies. TKW

  ram; ghIlab ghew rur 
  trivial as a glob fly   KGT

... not that they don't complain about everything else:

(KGT 167):  "This verb [{yIv}] literally means "chew". In its slang sense, it is found in such constructions as {choyIv} ("You bother me"--literally, "You chew me") or {muyIv romuluS Ha'DIbaH} ("The Romulan dog irks me"; literally, "The Romulan animal chews me" ... The subject of {yIv} can be only a person or creature, not an inanimate object or a situation. Thus, it is inappropriate to say something like {muyIv 'Iw HIq bIr} ("cold bloodwine chews me"). Standard ways to express the same idea are {nuQ} (annoy, bother) and {berghmoH} (irritate).

tlhIngan ghantoH pIn'a'
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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