[tlhIngan Hol] elephant

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Mar 27 06:32:06 PDT 2017

On 3/27/2017 8:10 AM, Lieven wrote:
> Now on Facebook, our good friend and experience Klingonist SuStel 
> started to argue it is not a canon word, just an English word prounced 
> with a Klingon accent. 

WRONG WRONG WRONG. You wanna know why I argue with you? This is why I 
argue with you. You don't actually read what I write; you reduce what I 
say to nonsense.

I said there's the canon of everything Okrand says about Klingon, and 
there's the canon of what is recognized by Klingons as Klingon. I said 
there are three categories of canon: native Klingon words, loan words 
that have become Klingon, and on-the-spot phonetic adaptations. Okrand 
specifically said that you should use the latter for /elephant:/ an 
on-the-spot "Klingon version of Federation Standard." He said to 
Klingon-ify an English word.

Other words like *pItSa'* and *'epIl* fall into one of the two latter 
categories: loan words and phonetic adaptations. I accept them as 
canonical, but I cannot identify whether they are loan words that 
Klingons would recognize or merely on-the-spot phonetic adaptations. And 
neither can you.

So is *'e'levan* THE way to say /elephant/ in Klingon? No. It's just a 
SUGGESTION on how a Klingon might pronounce an English word if he 
weren't going to try very hard to get English pronunciation right. Is 
*'e'levan* a canonical word? Depends what you mean. Most people will see 
"canonical word" and assume that means it's THE way to say the word, but 
that's not the case. It's canonical in that Okrand typed it; it's not 
canonical in the sense that it should appear on the New Words List as 
THE way you say /elephant/ in Klingon.

I know you like to see yourself as the Prophet of Okrandian Canon, but 
try to read his words a little closer before expounding upon them, and 
mine before you start arguing with them.


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