[tlhIngan Hol] mu' chu' chabal tetlh!

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Mar 22 10:22:43 PDT 2017

beach (ocean) :

nuqDaq 'oH bIQ'a' HeH'e'
Where is the beach? (TNK)

shore (river bank) :

ghIq SIqralDaq molor HoS waw' lupawmeH bIQtIq HeH juS SuvwI' ghom
The band of warriors then went past the shore to the river Skral, to Molor's
 seat of power. (PB)

shore (lake) :

mob qeylIS ngeng HeHDaq yIt
And Kahless was alone walking along the shore (PB)


On Behalf Of SuStel
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 1:42 PM

On 3/21/2017 1:56 PM, Jeremy Silver wrote:

While on the subject of sand my wish-list extends to:

beach (n)

coast/shore (n)

We already have beach: bIQ'a' HeH. This will often work for coast or shore as well; the phrase bIQ'a' HeH doesn't show us the difference between those and beach. If I wanted to contrast an actual beach and some non-beach shoreline, I might struggle with describing a sandy beach shore and a non-sandy beach shore.



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