[tlhIngan Hol] mu' chu' chabal tetlh!

Jeremy Silver jp.silver at tiscali.co.uk
Tue Mar 21 14:37:49 PDT 2017

On Tuesday 21 Mar 2017 14:41:47 SuStel wrote:
> On 3/21/2017 1:56 PM, Jeremy Silver wrote:
> > I too have been having trouble finding a good way to express sand and
> > ash and bribe for example. I think describing ground-up rock confuses
> > people if trying to talk about sand.
> Hmm. *nagh pullu'pu'bogh* is actually a pretty decent substitute for
> /sand./
True, but it's also an overly complicated term to use for poetic or lyrical use.

*rIy'o'* 'oH be' pong'e'. 'ej naghDaq pullu'pu'bogh mI' ghaH.

> > While on the subject of sand my wish-list extends to:
> > 
> > beach (n)
> > 
> > coast/shore (n)
> We already have /beach:/ *bIQ'a' HeH.* This will often work for /coast/
> or /shore/ as well; the phrase *bIQ'a' HeH* doesn't show us the
> difference between those and /beach. /If I wanted to contrast an actual
> beach and some non-beach shoreline, I might struggle with describing a
> sandy beach shore and a non-sandy beach shore.

We do? Please remind me of the source on this one.

While we're discussing *bIQ'a' HeH*, and to confirm if I'd be using it correctly, how would you all 
{bIQ'a' 'ev tIng HeH}

> > sail (n)
> > 
> > oar (n)
> > 
> > Don't know if Marc's painted himself into a corner with turning "row
> > your boat" into "propel your ship", but a {vo'wI'} can mean a few things.
> Did he translate that? I don't remember this. What is the source?

The vo'wI' bit I inferred from something he's reported to have said, maybe not a translation in-and-
of-itself but an interview about a translation of his - perhaps the anthem?

> Don't think so, though something about that is nagging me. I'm also
> thinking you might do something with *Don* and maybe *vel**,* but it's
> clumsy.
As parallel things don't cross, would that be something based on {DonHa'} or the like?

> >  Do we have a usual way of expressing the concept of "beyond" like:
> > On the other side of the mountain, there is a prison kind of thing?
> > 
> > or Past the crossroads someone did something?
> *HuD latlh Dop retlhDaq bIghHa' tu'lu'*/in the area next to the
> mountain's other side there is a prison./ But that doesn't cover phrases
> like /far over the Misty Mountains cold,/ where the thing you're talking
> about isn't immediately next to the other side of the mountain. You
> might play with something like *pa' Hop* /faraway thereabouts. /This
> starts to run into "sometimes inaccurate but never approximate" territory.

Thanks for the response and identifying the reference. Why do I get the feeling I'm not the only 
one to try translating that poem?

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