[tlhIngan Hol] mu' chu' chabal tetlh!

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Mar 21 07:33:19 PDT 2017

On 3/21/2017 10:08 AM, Rhona Fenwick wrote:
> ghItlhpu' naHQun, jatlh:
> > kiss v.
> Honestly, there seem to be a lot of people looking for this word when 
> we've got a pretty good circumstantial case that Klingons just don't 
> have this as a distinct part of their courtship behaviours.
> We do have {chop} "bite" as well as {rem} "suck" (compare the English 
> slang term "sucking face"), which should pretty much cover the 
> requisite actions beyond {wuSDu'chaj HotchuqmoH}.

A kiss is not a bite. People saying *chop* as an equivalent to /kiss/ 
drive me crazy. At least *rem* bears a resemblance to what's happening 
in a kiss.

If the answer is "Klingons don't have a word for kiss," then this is 
what I'd want to hear canonically. I don't like hearing fan 
over-generalizations of what they've seen on screen to every aspect of a 
Klingon's life. There was a great cover of /HolQeD,/ my favorite cover, 
showing a Klingon man holding a Klingon baby very close and looking down 
at it tenderly. Go ahead and tell me that no Klingon would ever do that, 
or that no Klingon doing that would ever press their lips to the baby.

Or is everyone thoughtlessly equating kissing with a sexual or romantic act?


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