[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Sam
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Jun 27 08:58:12 PDT 2017
> Klingon Word of the Day for Tuesday, June 27, 2017
> Klingon word: Sam
> Part of speech: verb
> Definition: locate, seek and find
> Source: TKD-A (184 KE, 189 EK, 190 EK)
cheng'e' DaH yISam
Find Chang! (ST6)
HaqwI''e' DaH yISam
Find the SURGEON now! (TKD)
Qel vISamnIS
I need to find a doctor. (CK)
motlh ray' luSamlaHmeH De' Qatlh cha' tlhIngan Duj jIH'a'
The main viewer on a Klingon ship is usually overlaid
with a complex target acquisition grid. (SP3)
HIq DaSammeH tach yI'el
To find ale, go into a bar. (TKW)
yIvoq 'ach lojmItmey yISam
Trust, but locate the doors. [sic for {tISam}] (TKW)
'avwI' nejDI' narghta'bogh qama' reH 'avwI' Sambej
When an escaped prisoner looks for a guard, he always
finds one. (TKW)
chotwI' DaSamjaj
May you find the murderer. (KGT)
ghaH vISammeH 'ej DochmeywIj vItlhapqa'meH naDev vIghoSpu'
(STID deleted line)
lojmItDaj veghta'DI' jubbe'wI'
yInqa'meH chegh 'e' botnIS qotar
qeylIS HoHmeH qotar qeylIS SamnIS
Still, Kotar cannot let a mortal
Pass his gates and return alive,
Kahless must be hunted down and killed. (PB)
petaQ petaQ petaQ
I will hunt you down!
P'takh! P'takh! P'takh! (PB)
vavlI' loDnI'lI' je DaSammeH
ghe'tor Da'elmo' 'ej Damejmo'
QeHchoH qa'pu' vaj lubIjlu'
They will pay for the anger
You caused by entering and leaving,
Gre'thor in search of your kin. (PB)
targh Darur
vaj qaSam 'ej qaHoH
ghIq cha' tIqDu'lIj vISop (PB)
romuluSngan Sambogh 'ej HoHbogh nejwI'
Romulan hunter-killer probe (KCD)
[These things are extremely lethal, having been pre-programmed with the target's DNA. They are small, capable of flying/hovering, relentless as they stalk their prey, and kill by injecting poison into their victim's heart. In KCD Pok's father Torghn was killed by one when he jumped in front of Gowron, the intended target, at the last possible moment.]
ghoch track [down] (v)
tu' find (v)
nej look for, seek, search for (v)
von trap, entrap (v)
wam hunt (v)
lan place (v)
tlhIngan ghantoH pIn'a'
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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