[tlhIngan Hol] The Second Coming

Jeremy Silver jp.silver at tiscali.co.uk
Thu Jun 8 16:15:43 PDT 2017

On Thursday 08 Jun 2017 19:53:30 Steven Boozer wrote:
> nIqolay Q :
> < And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

> > It took me a while to decide on the best way to translate "rough", since
> I see.  Here's some more options to play with:
> Duy'  	be defective (v)
> Hutlh 	lack, be without (v)
> pup 		be perfect, be exact (v)
> pupHa'   	[be perfect, be inexact] (v)
> chen  	build up, take form, take shape (v)
> cher 		establish, set up (v)
> Hach  	be developed (e.g. a civilization) (v)
> lutlh  	be primitive (v)
> Of these, {Duy'}, {pupHa'} and {chen/chenHa'} looks promising.

Another option might be:

ral  	be violent (v)

In the "ready and able to resort to force or violence" sense of the word to 
describe a beast.

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