[tlhIngan Hol] le'yo' pun

Anthony Appleyard a.appleyard at btinternet.com
Fri Jun 2 21:41:24 PDT 2017

Will the missing period's entries be put in the tlhIngan-Hol archiver?----Original message----
>From : qunchuy at alcaco.net
Date : 02/06/2017 - 23:57 (GMTST)
To : tlhingan-hol at kli.org
Subject : Re: [tlhIngan Hol] le'yo' pun
The tlhIngan-Hol archiver seems to have gone offline a couple of days before that, and did not resume its job until the middle of September. The MIT archive did capture it, though: http://diswww.mit.edu/charon.MIT.EDU/ja%27chuq/89148
-- ghunchu'wI'
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