[tlhIngan Hol] My list of 19 new words revisited

Lieven levinius at gmx.de
Thu Jul 27 22:33:01 PDT 2017

SuStel wrote:
>  >I've seen *ghep* used as "age", backformated from the canon words 
> *peHghep*
>  >"Age of Inclusion" and *nenghep* "Age of Ascension".

Am 28.07.2017 um 06:21 schrieb Jesse Manoogian:
> Wouldn't this be "age" in the sense of era, rather than the count of 
> years since a person's birth, though?

No certainly not, since these words really refer to an event of a 
person. Yet we don't know if the part ghep really refers to the age in 

If someone would say {ghepDaj yIngu'} "Identify his age", the answer 
could be very unclear like {nenghepDaj SIchta'} "He has reached his age 
of Ascension". You still don't know how old he is.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka Quvar valer 'utlh
Grammarian of the KLI

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