[tlhIngan Hol] My list of 19 new words revisited

MorphemeAddict lytlesw at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 22:30:21 PDT 2017

Re wifebeater: I think it was on this list that I first encountered that
word in its non-literal meaning. So even a native can miss such things.

lay'tel SIvten

On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 9:41 AM, André Müller <esperantist at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Andrew,
> I remember last time, some people were a bit harsh that time. But it's
> good to see you back and I must say your list of words is really well
> thought through. Most of the words will probably be readily understandable
> for most Klingonists, except for perhaps "wifebeater". It's (I think) an
> English slang term that wouldn't be literally understandable by non-English
> speakers. Most will understand a person who beats their wife.
> Also note that it is somewhat of an unwritten custom to not write compound
> words as one word if it's not a word from Okrandian canon. So, better use a
> space, like {DIr vemmey}, (lit. 'marks of the skin'). But it's not a big
> mistake or anything.
> Just my 0.50 darseks
> - André 🖖
> On 27 Jul 2017 10:33, "Jesse Manoogian" <boyfromtheabyss at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi, guys. It's Andrew again.
> Back at the end of 2015, I appeared on this mailing list with a list of 19
> words missing in Klingon. Upon your encouragement I came up with
> equivalents for most of them using the existent roots, but now I see that
> many of my conceptions on how Klingon agglutination worked were wrong.
> Well, I've been reading up on tlhIngan Hol -- learning more about the
> vocabulary, the affixes, and the rules of morphology, and I think I've got
> acceptable compounds and workarounds for all the words on my list now.
> Have a gander.
> be blonde: SuD (be yellow) works fine
> be straight (of hair): beQ (be flat)
> be curly: gho rur (resemble a circle)
> be wavy: yu'eghmey rur (resemble waves)
> be bald: jIb ghajbe' (to not have hair)
> be hazel: SuD 'ej wovbe' (be yellow/green and non-bright -- I thought "SuD
> 'ej Doq 'ej wovbe'" was too unwieldy)
> freckles: DIrvemmey (skin-mark-PL)
> wrinkle: bentlhegh (age-line)
> glasses: mIn'al'onmey (eye-glass-PL)
> braces: Ho'baS (tooth-metal -- it's singular -- as I understand, they say
> the singular "brace" in British English, so this has precedent)
> tattoo: DIrmIllogh (skin-picture)
> jeans: yopwaH ghegh (rough pants) -- and I also notice "yopwaH buq" for
> "pants pouch; trouser pocket" -- how about buq yopwaH for cargo pants?
> polo shirt: wep yor poSmoH ([sleeved] shirt with open top)
> tank top: be'nalmoqwI' (a calque of the English wifebeater)
> headphones: nachQoywI' (head-hearer . . . a calque from the German
> Kopfhörer)
> skateboard: rutlh'echlet (wheel-board)
> guitar: javHurDagh (six + stringed instrument)
> bass: javHurDagh jaQ (deep guitar)
> be teenage, be adolescent: nenchoH (become adult)
> teen, adolescent, youth, young adult: nuv nenchoH (person becoming adult)
> pItlh!
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