[tlhIngan Hol] qelI'qam

seruq seruq at bellsouth.net
Wed Jul 26 08:52:31 PDT 2017

 > I've known a qelI'qam only to be roughly 2km.
 > There are numerous
 corporate websites out there with hidden tlhIngan Hol web
 pages, and the ones that make reference to qelI'qam are
 using a calculation of 1 qelI'qam = about 1.6 km.
 > If these pages were all written by the
 same person/team, that would explain the consistent use of
 the 1.6, but... where are they getting that 1.6 from?  Do
 we have additional canon implying this?
 They're obviously using
 miles, and just substituting the word {qelI'qam}.

Well, don't I feel silly now.  Yes, 1.6 would be for miles.
Oh well.

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