[tlhIngan Hol] With regards to invectives

qurgh lungqIj qurgh at wizage.net
Wed Jul 19 08:40:34 PDT 2017

On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 11:33 AM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> qurgh:
> > I use the general invectives as exclamations and the epithets as nouns
> or exclamations.
> Wouldn't be strange though to use an epithet as an exclamation ? An
> epithet like {petaQ} {Qovpatlh} {taHqeq} etc, describes a person, right ?

No. "Oy! Dickhead! Get off my lawn!" - {'o! taHqeq! magh yotlh yIlItHa'!}

Epithets can be used as nouns (toDSaH SoH!) or exclamations (toDSaH!!!)
when you are calling someone it.

> So, how could we use it in a moment of lets say anger or frustration,
> without referring to a specific person ?

You wouldn't. That's what the general invectives are for. Drop something
heavy on your foot? Qu'vatlh! Get some unsettling news? QI'yaH!

> Would it make for example sense to say: {QapHa' jonta'. taHqeq !} ?

An English version of this would be something like "The engines don't work.
Asshole!" Does that work? I guess if you are calling the {jonta'} a
{taHqeq} it works.

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