[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: chep

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Jul 7 09:53:01 PDT 2017

On 7/7/2017 12:35 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> SuStel:
>> It is using pa' as a non-subject, non-object noun placed before the OVS structure, and
>> Dab here has no object: some years ago, thereabouts, inhabitants inhabited (in general).
>> This is not actually ungrammatical, just a bit odd.
> This confuses me a little; is it legal to have an unmarked noun before the OVS ?

Certainly. Both time expressions and inherently locative nouns *(naDev, 
pa', Dat)* may go before the OVS.

*wa'leS jImej* /I will leave tomorrow/
*naDev SoQmey vIjatlh*/I give speeches here
/*pa' Heghpu'*/he died there/

> And something else.. Would you accept as grammatically correct the
> {pa' vIparHa'} for "I like the there" ? Can the {pa'} (in its meaning
> as "there") be used as an object ?

There's no actual rule against it, but I think it normally doesn't 
occur. It /does/ occur with verbs of motion, because they inherently 
treat their objects as locatives, but you don't see this sort of thing 
with other verbs. A thing you like is not an inherently locative 
concept. So whether it's grammatically correct is unclear, but you're 
better off not trying to do it.


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