[tlhIngan Hol] qep'a' schedule help

David Holt kenjutsuka at live.com
Thu Jul 6 09:14:06 PDT 2017

It's only 3 weeks until the qep'a'. I better get onto finalizing the schedule. Please respond to this request.

If you are going to be there: Would you be willing to run a session of something? Is there something specific you would like to run?

Whether you are going to be there this year or not: What are the past events that you think are most important to have there? What would you want to do there? What new ideas might be fun?

Is there anyone that would specifically like to help with the beginners lessons?

For more about the qep'a' go to https://www.kli.org/activities/qepmey/qepa-chamah-losdich/

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