[tlhIngan Hol] qep'a' webpage

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Jul 5 13:33:12 PDT 2017

On 7/5/2017 4:19 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> SuStel:
> *> jIHDaq ve'
> */> he travels on me/
> > He's riding on my back, or something like that. The
> > destination is unstated. You can tell that *jIHDaq* is not the
> > object of *ve'*because the verb prefix agrees
> > with /he/she/it/they/none./
> /
> /
> I fail to see how the {jIHDaq ve'} produces the "he travels on me". /
> /
> According to the canon (or so I think) example of {bIQtIqDaq jIjaH} 
> for "I go in the river/I am moving along the river" (HQ 7.4, Dec 
> 1998), whenever we have the {-Daq} with a verb of movement, which verb 
> of movement has a verb prefix indicating no object, then the {-Daq} 
> indicates the location where the going takes place.
> So, as I understand the example of {jIHDaq ve'} the meaning isn't "he 
> travels (with a purpose) on me"; it is rather "he is traveling with a 
> purpose in the vicinity of me".

If you're riding me, then I am the location where the traveling takes place.

But you're right; it could also mean the traveling takes place on my 
body. Maybe a Lilliputian is walking from my head to my feet for an 
important reason. *jIHDaq ve'.*

But the locative doesn't necessarily say that I am traversed, only that 
I am a location associated with the action. I don't think Okrand was 
trying to distinguish between those two in that HolQeD interview.


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