[tlhIngan Hol] Experience and usage of jeS

Jeremy Silver jp.silver at tiscali.co.uk
Mon Jul 31 15:17:20 PDT 2017

On Monday, 31 July 2017 16:31:14 BST Steven Boozer wrote:
> laS veghaS HIltonDaq «Hov leng: yIjeSchu'»
> qaSchoHmo', bIlopqu'meH HIlton yIghoS
> Come celebrate the grand opening of “Star Trek:
> The Experience” at the Las Vegas Hilton. (STX)

Thanks for reminding us of this example.

I've recently been trying to work out a way to express the quote:
"You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original 

I threw together a couple of ways, which I'm not sure about:
{SeQpIr Daleghchu'be'pu', mung tlhIngan HolDajDaq ghaH DalaDpu'pa'.}
{SeQpIr Daleghchu' neH, mung tlhIngan HolDajDaq ghaH DalaDDI'.}

And now I'm reminded of this STE communique, I've given it another go with 
{SeQpIr DalaDtaHvIS bIjeSchu'be', mung tlhIngan HolDajDaq ghaH DalaDpu'pa'.}

I'm fairly sure I've made a few errors with those. So if anyone has pointers 
as to how to go about recasting/correcting one, I'd appreciate it.

Are there more examples of {jeS} in use?


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